21. Meeting of the PRIMAR Advisory Committee

11/25/2014 4:05:00 PM
21. Meeting of the PRIMAR Advisory Committee

21st Meeting of the PRIMAR Advisory Committee, organized by the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, starts on 25 November 2014 at Hotel President, Split.

PRIMAR is one the two worldwide centres for distribution of official electronic navigational charts (ENC), through which HHI as full member ensures availability of Croatian ENCs to end users on ships.

More than twenty participants from PRIMAR member states are expected to attend this meeting. Items on the agenda include a number of topical subjects, ranging from strategic and operational issues to financial and marketing ones.

All these subjects deal with challenges faced by national hydrographic offices, including HHI, of providing high-quality and easily accessible official ENCs to meet mandatory carriage requirements for particular types and sizes of vessels.

Other items on the agenda deal with additional services developed by PRIMAR to be provided to maritime civil and military administrations of its member states.

Open session of the meeting will discuss issues of cooperation with representatives of the second worldwide centre for distribution of ENCs (IC-ENC). As part of the meeting, Mrs Minika Bjorge, PRIMAR Director, will give a presentation on the ENC Inspector Service, another useful tool designed for control of ENCs by the competent persons and authorities.

Thirteen maritime safety inspectors from all port authorities are expected to attend this presentation, which will take place at the Hydrographic Institute.


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read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)