27th Meeting of the PRIMAR Advisory Committee

11/10/2020 11:54:00 AM
27th Meeting of the PRIMAR Advisory Committee

The 27th ordinary annual Meeting of the PRIMAR Advisory Committee (PAC) (more information about PRIMAR is given below) was held from 5 to 6 November 2020. Due to specific circumstances caused by COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held as a video conference chaired by France.

The agenda of the two-day meeting focused on the strategic, technical, financial and administrative issues of PRIMAR's work for the period since the 26th session of the PAC.

The thematic group of technical issues presented improvements in the existing PRIMAR services and functionalities available to PRIMAR members. In particular, it analysed the progress made in the multiannual project (2018 – 2023) for capacity building and PRIMAR functionality regarding the transition to a new generation of electronic navigational charts (ENC) according to the IHO standard S-101. It was concluded that the planned activities for 2020 were going according to schedule, and the identified risks were analysed and updated, especially those connected with the work on planned activities under the current circumstances. The project activity plan and financial plan for 2021 were approved. The proposal for the development of terms of reference for the distribution of official nautical publications in digital form (PDF format) as well as the terms of reference for other products and services within the IHO standard S-100 was adopted. Amendments to the PRIMAR Strategic Plan regarding changes brought about by implementation of the IHO S-100 standard were discussed.

Taking into account the convenience of the video meeting, some experts in relevant fields also participated in this meeting.

In a two-day work of the Committee, Croatia once more proved to be a proactive member, participating in discussions on all items of a comprehensive agenda.

At the end of the 27th PAC meeting, Croatia took over the presidency from France for the next two years. According to the PAC Statute, the PAC Chairman shall be the Director of the Hydrographic Office of a PRIMAR RENC full member.


PRIMAR is one of the world’s three regional ENC coordinating centres (RENC), operated in accordance with the WEND (Worldwide ENC Database) principles established by the IHO resolution. Organizationally, PRIMAR represents an intergovernmental multilateral cooperation of its full members (more about PRIMAR at www.primar.org).

PRIMAR’s principal aim is to ensure a harmonized quality level of ENCs from different producer nations and make them available to end users on ships and other onshore and onboard services on a 24/7 basis. PRIMAR is a non-profit organization, investing the proceeds of the sale of ENCs in the maintenance of existing and development of new services and functionalities. In the context of technological solutions and many services which it provides, PRIMAR has been recognized as a leading RENC.

Croatia, as a long-standing full member of PRIMAR (since 25 October 2005), besides using PRIMAR’s tools and services to ensure highest quality of its ENCs (currently 263 ENC cells) and making them available to end users through PRIMAR, actively participates in the work of PRIMAR’s bodies and working groups from the first day. Croatia hosted the meeting of the PAC twice, last in November 2014.


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