Celebration of the World Hydrography Day in Croatia

6/20/2020 1:27:00 PM

World Hydrography Day (WHD) is celebrated every year on June 21st. The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and its full members (93) celebrate the day with a series of different activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of hydrography in many sea and coastal activities. Special emphasis is placed on activities that increase the coverage of sea areas with quality hydrographic data, initiatives and joint projects whose results improve navigation safety, protection of the marine environment, planning and coastal zone management, establishment of spatial data infrastructure and the implementation of the latest technologies in hydrography.

This year, the IHO is focused on the theme of the application of autonomous technological solutions in hydrography which can ensure a shorter cycle of hydrographic surveys and significant savings of resources and time. Such technological solutions can be applied using aircraft, ships and submarines. Some of the technologies, ie carriers of devices and equipment for hydrographic surveys, can be used to ensure the use of measured data in real time by users on ships or some other end users and services on land. More on https://iho.int/en/whd-2020-celebrations-around-the-world.

In the past "hydrographic year", the Croatian Hydrographic Institute (HHI) has made a significant contribution to achieving the planned goals and improving the Croatian hydrographic service by implementing the planned activities.

For more information on HHI activities see flyer by clicking on following image.




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read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)