Agreement on Cooperation signed between the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split and the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia

6/23/2022 1:30:00 PM

On 21 June 2022, in the premises of the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies of University of Split and the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia signed an Agreement on scientific-research, educational, technical-professional and business cooperation.

As part of the event, the Faculty of Maritime Studies held a tour of the observatory and modernly equipped laboratories and nautical-mechanical simulators. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Studies Full. prof. Pero Vidan, his associates Assoc. prof. Ivan Peronja and Assist. prof. Luka Vukić, and the director of the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia Vinka Kolić.

The cooperation will be carried out through realization of joint research and development projects, studies and expertise, joint organization of scientific and professional conferences, workshops and seminars, support in education, etc., all with the aim of connecting practice, science and research work. Finally, the realization of this cooperation will contribute to connecting, complementing and improving the activities of the signatories of this Agreement.

The Cooperation Agreement was also signed with Plovput d.o.o. Split, Cemex Croatia d.d., Jadroagent d.d. Rijeka, Brodospas d.d. Split, and Adria Docks d.o.o.


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