CIESM Congress Best Poster Award

5/24/2010 3:35:00 PM
CIESM Congress Best Poster Award

The 39th CIESM Congress Best Poster Award goes to Croatian scientists

At the 39th Congress of the CIESM (Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée), held in Venice 10-14 May 2010, the best poster presentation award was given to Miroslava Pasarić, Ph.D. from the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb. The award was presented by the President of the CIESM, Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Co-authors of the award winning poster entitled “Record-breaking sea levels in the Northern Adriatic on 1 December 2008”, are S. Čupić, N. Domijan, and N. Leder from the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, and M. Orlić from the Department of Geophysics. .



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read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)