Two-day working session with the representatives of Jeppesen

4/15/2015 4:19:00 PM
Two-day working session with the representatives of Jeppesen

Working session with the representatives of Jeppesen, Mr Michael Bergmann and Mr John Klippen, took place on the HHI premises on 8 and 9 April. The session was attended by the HHI director Mr Nenad Leder, and his assistant for international cooperation Mr Željko Bradarić, as well as by heads of the HHI specialist departments, and experts in particular professions.

Jeppesen is among world’s leading companies for the distribution of official electronic navigational charts (ENC), and the production of own electronic cartographic systems (ECS) and other software solutions for marine navigation.

The HHI and Jeppesen have successfully cooperated for the past ten years pursuant to two signed agreements in force. The first agreement covers the distribution of Croatian official electronic navigational charts (ENC), and the second one covers the license usage of the HHI data in derived unofficial cartographic systems (ECS).

Jeppesen also provides significant technical software support for the HHI through a complex process of production and maintenance of Croatian ENCs.

Due to accelerated development of navigation technologies, and the need for integration of single marine systems into Integrated marine information system according to the IMO e-navigation Strategy Implementation Plan, national hydrographic offices and hence the HHI face new ENC-related challenges.

Main topic of the two-day session was how the HHI in cooperation with Jeppesen could fulfil new requirements in a timely manner and meeting high standards. It was agreed in advance that all issues should be divided into two thematic units: legal one and technical one. After thematic presentations by both sides, a practical workshop and an extensive discussion, the representatives of Jeppesen and HHI reached conclusions formulated in 12 Action Items to be achieved in the forthcoming period.


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