Genoa, 3rd working meeting with representatives of the Hydrographic Institute of Italy

7/17/2020 3:30:00 PM

Following the official invitation by Rear Admiral Luigi Sinapi, Director of the Italian Hydrographic Institute (Istituto Idrografico della Marina – IIM), Genoa, Mrs Vinka Kolić (HHI Director) and Mr Željko Bradarić (HHI Assistant Director for International Cooperation) paid a two-day working visit to the IIM last week. Since it was a return visit, the comprehensive agenda included an analysis of the realisation of activities agreed at the Split meeting in February this year.

Considering the degraded situation for both hydrographic offices due to COVID-19, it was concluded that progress was made in the realisation of key activities, especially in respect of solving the ENC overlap issue in the Adriatic Sea. During the field tour of the port of Genoa by survey boat, and a demonstration of the survey using state-of-the-art hydrographic equipment, the two offices exchanged experiences regarding the hydrographic survey. In the context of shortened technological cycles, after visiting internal organisational units, the discussion focused on the possible approach and concept of rapid organisational adaptation of hydrographic offices to enable them to properly implement the latest technologies for fulfilling both current and new requirements placed on them.

Following the interest expressed by Italian colleagues, special thematic unit included a presentation of the Croatian concept and current functionality of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI). An interesting discussion also took place after the presentation of Croatian views on the concept of possible cartographic options for non-SOLAS ships and yachts. Beyond the meeting, Italian colleagues arranged a tour of the famous lighthouse at the entrance to the port of Genoa (the second tallest in the world), and their specialist shop “Nautica” situated at the passenger terminal in the port.

Link to the IIM notice:



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