Mandatory use of electronic invoices

6/17/2019 11:28:00 AM

Dear business partners,

Mandatory use of electronic invoices in public procurement shall enter into force on 1 July 2019. This obligation shall apply to all supply contracts, work contracts and service contracts awarded by contracting entities within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act (including simple procurement).

Accordingly, as from 1 July 2019 all undertakings that deliver goods, works and/or services to public procurement entities shall issue electronic invoices for their deliveries.

As after this date the contracting entities that are subject to public procurement, hence the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, must not make payments against invoices which have not been submitted in the form of electronic invoice in accordance with the EU standard, both the contracting entities and the undertakings dealing with them shall prepare for implementation of electronic invoicing. Exchange of paper invoices between the entities bound by the Public Procurement Act shall be subject to penalties.

Therefore, for all deliveries starting from 1 July 2019 (other than those specifically provided for in the Act) please submit only electronic invoices.

The above mentioned requirements are laid down by Directive 2014/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on electronic invoicing in public procurement (OJ L 133, 6.5.2014), Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1870 of 16 October 2017 (OJ L 266, 17.10.2017), Act on electronic invoicing in public procurement (NN 94/2018), Rules governing technical elements, issue and exchange of electronic invoices and supporting documents in public procurement (NN 32/2019), and Rules governing the type and compensation for electronic invoice receiving and sending services for contracting authorities in public procurement (NN 32/2019).


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read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)