Održan EMODnet sastanak u Splitu

4/8/2016 5:08:00 PM
Održan EMODnet sastanak u Splitu

Krajem listopada 2016. godine završava druga faza EMODnet projekta (2013-2016), a pretposljednji sastanak geološke sekcije projekta, EMODNet-Geologije, održan je od 22.-23. ožujka u Splitu, pod organizacijom Hrvatskog hidrografskog instituta (Ranko Crmarić) i Hrvatskog geološkog instituta (Slobodan Miko). Split je ugostio 65 stručnjaka iz raznih područja.

Više pogledajte na stranici http://www.hgi-cgs.hr/Emodnet Split.html 


Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)

On behalf of the Republic of Croatia, its Hydrographic Institute (HHI) chaired the 24th MBSHC Conference (MBSHC24), held in Constanţa, Romania, from 2 to 4 July 2024. The Conference was hosted by Romania, which at the close took over the chairmanship from the Republic of Croatia...

read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)