9/3/2012 1:28:00 PM

Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia has published a new (fifth) edition of SAILING DIRECTIONS I. ADRIATIC SEA - EASTERN COAST.

This publication is complementary to charts, being an essential navigational aid to assist mariners in the planning of navigation and during navigation. It has been included in the national and international legislation on maritime issues, i.e. safety of navigation and safety of life at sea, being mandatory to ships together with other required navigational aids. The information contained in Sailing Directions helps mariners to choose the most suitable route to an area or port depending on the ship characteristics.

Sailing Directions contain general information on the Adriatic Sea, detailed instructions for determining the ship’s route, basic instructions for safe navigation, information on landmarks, weather, currents and sea level, guide to navigation in channels, straits and dangerous areas. Besides detailed description of ports, harbours, bays and anchorages, it also contains information on the places of refuge in certain areas. Sailing Directions give details about port approach, entering, staying in port, departure, port operations, and port facilities along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, important notices and maritime regulations; warnings about dangers to navigation (rocks, shoals, wrecks, etc.), which are shown on charts as well. Lighthouses and coastal and port lights are described as landmarks only. That is why Sailing Directions are designed for use in conjunction with charts, List of Lights, and other nautical publications.

SAILING DIRECTIONS I. ADRIATIC SEA - EASTERN COAST, 5th edition is based upon the information collected, analysed and processed by the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia. It has been updated to include the information through April 2012. Amended information refers to statistical data, as well as navigationally significant data not published in Notices to Mariners, being obtained either from the Hydrographic Institute research activities, or from the cooperation with port authorities, and exchange with other hydrographic offices. New photographs have also been added.

As all our charts and publications, SAILING DIRECTIONS I. ADRIATIC SEA - EASTERN COAST is available for purchase from our authorised distributors.


Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)

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read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)