21st Conference of the Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)

6/18/2019 5:06:00 PM

The 21st MBSHC Conference was hosted by Spain from 11 to 13 June 2019. The Conference was held in Cádiz, the seat of the Spanish Marine Hydrographic Institute (Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina) hosting and organizing this meeting.

It was attended by some 40 delegates from 22 full members of the Commission, about 10 representatives of several associated members, some 15 representatives of hydrographic equipment manufacturers, representatives of RENCs (PRIMAR and IC-ENC), and one of IHO directors and his assistant. The Republic of Croatia participated as a full member, represented by its delegates from the Hydrographic Institute.

The Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission is one of 15 hydrographic commissions established worldwide on a regional basis, for the purposes of cooperation and coordinated action of member states on common issues of hydrographic and cartographic activities in the region. Regional commissions act in accordance with the rules of the International Hydrographic Organization through their statutes, and their programmes are based on IHO work programmes. Realization of these programmes at regional level contributes towards realization of IHO objectives at world level.  

During a three-day conference work, topical issues were discussed according to the agenda, covering three IHO Work Programmes: corporate affairs, hydrographic services and standards, and inter-regional coordination and support.

Presentation by Croatia, as a recognized contributing member of the IHO, was well received owing to its proactive approach, notably its national report. Recognizing and summarizing in the report conclusions the key issues relating to daily work and future prospects for the hydrographic service, have established a framework for addressing these not only during the conference but in the subsequent period as well. Accordingly, one of the activities adopted for all members in between the two conferences (MBSHC21/14) reads as follows: “Member States are encouraged to take note of the list of activities of interest suggested by Croatia in its National report and make an update about progresses about the listed topics at the next meeting“. (for more details see HR Report at: www.hhi.hr)

Besides participating in the conference, two additional meetings were held with the representatives of Italy and Montenegro to address the problem of ENC overlap.

During the conference breaks, exchange of views took place with representatives of two RENCs (PRIMAR and IC-ENC) and representatives of hydrographic equipment manufacturers, as well as with the representatives of the UK Hydrographic Office who are responsible for administrative tasks concerning the licensing of HHI data in third parties’ derived products.

Link: Bulletin Report covering the MBSHC21


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