Participation of the representative of HHI in education related to numerical modelling - StVar-Adri project

10/21/2022 10:43:00 AM
Participation of the representative of HHI in education related to numerical modelling - StVar-Adri project

Under the project StVar-Adri, Maja Karlović, member of the Oceanological department HHI , participated in the numerical modelling workshop which was held in Rijeka from 3 to 7 October 2022 at the Faculty of Physics, University of Rijeka. The workshop was led by Ph.D. Vladimir Đurđević from the University of Belgrade.

As part of the workshop, a scientific-popular lecture in the field of climatology entitled “1028 days” was also held on the University campus for all workshop participants and for the public concerned.

A tour of Bura supercomputer, located in the Centre for Advanced Computing and Modelling of the University of Rijeka, was also organized.

At the end of the workshop all participants were awarded certificates of participation.


Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)

On behalf of the Republic of Croatia, its Hydrographic Institute (HHI) chaired the 24th MBSHC Conference (MBSHC24), held in Constanţa, Romania, from 2 to 4 July 2024. The Conference was hosted by Romania, which at the close took over the chairmanship from the Republic of Croatia...

read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)