HHI representative attends IHO Category B Hydrographic Survey Programme

12/19/2024 2:57:00 PM

The IHO Category B Hydrographic Survey Programme took place in Busan, Republic of Korea, at the headquarters of the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA), from 17 June to 1 November 2024, organised by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency, and sponsored by the Republic of Korea.

Representative of the HHI Marko Rakocija, from the Hydrographic Department, participated in this programme. The course was attended by nine more participants from the IHO member states (Georgia, Jamaica, Nigeria, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Ukraine, Thailand, South Korea).

The HHI representative was selected following the HHI application to the IHO call for applications. He will implement the acquired expert knowledge in the operation of the HHI, and transfer it to his colleagues through in-house training.

The training programme lasted 20 weeks and included 16 weeks of theoretical lectures and practical exercises, as well as final project in which participants applied acquired knowledge in practice.

At the closing ceremony the participants were awarded certificates of participation, with speeches given by the KHOA representatives and a video message by the IHO director.

This is a continuation of a series of training programmes for the HHI team members, organised by the IHO, aimed at promoting the hydrographic activity and ensuring the informative segment of maritime safety in hydrography. 



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