Thematic chart No. 101G “Republika Hrvatska – Granice Republike Hrvatske na Jadranskom moru”

5/14/2021 12:16:00 PM
Thematic chart No. 101G “Republika Hrvatska – Granice Republike Hrvatske na Jadranskom moru”

The HHI has released new thematic chart No. 101G “Republika Hrvatska – Granice Republike Hrvatske na Jadranskom moru”.

With the proclamation of Croatia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the Adriatic Sea on 6 February 2021, which entered into force on 13 February 2021, the conditions for displaying the thematic content of this chart are met.

In terms of subject matter, this chart shows maritime boundaries of the Republic of Croatia, including:

  • straight baselines and representation of the internal waters
  • outer limit of the territorial sea and representation of the territorial sea
  • limit of the continental shelf and representation of the exclusive economic zone
  • provisional maritime boundaries between neighbouring countries.

The chart also shows the limits of straight baselines, territorial sea, and continental shelf of Italy, Montenegro, and Albania.

Publication of this chart contributes towards enhancing the informative content of thematic charts, providing valuable help to mariners, but also to institutions and entities of the Republic of Croatia.  



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read more Croatia ends two-year chairmanship of Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC)