Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia has released the mobile web application “Cro Nav Support“, designed for monitoring of Radio Navigational Warnings and Notices to Mariners on mobile phones for information purposes.
You can download the application in Croatian and English onto your mobile devices from the Internet at https://cns.hhi.hr or by scanning the QR code.

Notice to Mariners (NtM) is a monthly publication of the Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, which is used for keeping nautical charts and publications up to date. Information contained in the application is not the official information. Subscription to official printed edition of the Notice to Mariners is available from our authorised distributors.
Viewing of Radio Navigational Warnings through the application cannot replace monitoring of Radio Navigational Warnings through coast radio stations or exempt the master and/or crew members from their responsibility to monitor these warnings.