New Edition of Coastal Chart 100-15 Grado – Rovinj

9/3/2013 10:58:00 AM
New Edition of Coastal Chart 100-15 Grado – Rovinj

Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia on 1 July 2013 published a new edition of Coastal Chart 100-15 Grado – Rovinj. The chart was compiled on the Mercator projection using the WGS 84 ellipsoid at a scale of 1:100 000. It is the first official nautical chart published by the HHI on the WGS 84 ellipsoid. The new edition cancels all previous editions of this chart.

New edition includes changes significant to the safety of navigation, resulting from more recent information. The sea and land contents are derived from the existing Italian chart No. 39 and Slovenian chart No. 03, while the Croatian sea and land contents are based on the existing hydrographic survey data (1965-2010), as shown in the Source Data Diagram, and supplemented by oceanographic, geological and other data, and other navigational contents. The chart contains basic textual information both in Croatian and English, according to recommendations of the IHO and the following HHI publications: INT 1 Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Charts, 6th edition 2013, and Peljar I (Sailing Directions I), 5th edition 2012.


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